Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Google needs a new app.

I am exhausted. Today I had to write two essays and study for a test. But I did none of that because I was busy fiddling with my blog and flickr accounts. I was trying to convince the two to link to each other, and while I was somewhat able to do it, I think that the internet is in need of a new Google application... drum-roll please... Google Thought!
As my generation has come to realize, Google knows everything about each and every one of us. It knows where we live, what food we like, what our friends think of us, how we think, even what porn we watch. Google just knows everything. So with this is mind- I think that they should come out of the P.C. closet and create an application which, with one flick of a button, customizes every account you have on the internet to your personality matched settings. It's brilliant. We know that Google probably knows all passwords, so, with the users permission they can just hack into everyone's accounts and switch the privacy settings to match the person's personality, which is determined through the millions of searches the person has done over the past decade. My inner lazy person is so proud right now. If she was willing to get off the imaginary couch in my mind she would give me a hug.
What is a lack of privacy for something so important as convenience?

Just a side note:
Dear Google,
I understand that I just made fun of you, but please don't make all the searches I do for the rest of time unhelpful. My poking fun at your overwhelming presence is all done in love. It's not like I can really say I'm not part of the system- this blog is powered by my Google account!
<3 your favorite fan in the whole wide world *cough* please don't ruin my life *cough*,

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