Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dancing In The Street

It has only been 4 days since my program started, but I feel like I have done more in those few days then I have done since I got into college. My flatmates and I found a charming flat with all the quaintness of market town London but a location that many people who work in the city would fight for. My roommate, Talia, and I dragged all our possession on this Continent up and down the many flights of stairs in the underground and across our neighborhood to our flat. I have woken up early on two mornings, and instead of bumbling around, went out into city to get lost and explore. I have also survived without instant internet for the past week, and have instead gone to McDonalds or Starbucks whenever I wanted wi-fi. There have been other little things, like figuring out my own meals and washing and drying all my laundry and dishes (though not at the same time), that have given me a sense of accomplishment.
The feeling is quite intoxicating... Though that might just be me confusing accomplishment with the lowered drinking age. Either way, this new feeling is quite welcome.
To add icing to the cake, I also found out what my internship is. I had previously been told that it was an 'International Television News Agency". When I met with my internship adviser, he told me that my placement was at APTN, or as they are also known, Associated Press Television News. In the company's mission statement they explain that "Video captured by AP Television News can be seen by over half of the world’s population on any given day." I basically couldn't have done any better.
It's been a good few days... Can't wait to see what else this foggy island has to offer.

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